Thursday, February 18, 2010

4th day

Woke up early to have breakfast with my uncle and aunt (bew kow fu and his wife) in Sheung Wan. We had dim sum and yea, I eat curry squid for breakfast every morning now haha. Another good dish there was a steamed prawn ball with mushroom attached to the bottom. Didn't take pics : (

Afterwards, just ran some errands with my Uncle and headed home to rest up.

Then I went out to the Wangpao area and finally bought a pair of glasses for $1020 HKD. The frame is made in Japan :D

Afterwards, went to a nearby toy store and copped these for my bro:

Now I'm doing some online assessments for physics which are due soon. Then gonna head out later for dinner w/ Poon and look around for clothes and some ring he wants :S


After doing my hwk, went out to chill @ Martin's house for a bit to plan for the weekend. Then we went out for hotpot @ this place called Po Po.

The food was pretty good; again like last time, it's different from the food I usually eat. Afterwards, just headed home and played some Pokemon Yellow before going to sleep.

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